Growth marketing techniques allow your business to grow constantly through a scientific method and a strategic approach; the best way to achieve your objectives.
Within the digital marketing world there are an infinity of techniques and tools, and as we advance towards a completely digital society we find more challenges and solutions to different dynamics.
A little over a decade ago, and within the framework of the evolution of advertising, people began to talk about growth marketing, which as its name indicates, is aimed at making a business grow and make it achieve its commercial objectives.
But, how does growth marketing work? The first thing to keep in mind is that each decision within this technique is based on website and social media metrics, as through them it is analyzed what type of content, design and user experience works better for the industry to which we are addressing.
Based on this data, we can create a hypothesis and test it through acquisition retention and loyalty strategies. If a tactic does not work, we can go to the metrics to understand in which part of the funnel the error was generated, and starting from this, we can redesign the process with scientific support that guides us to make more accurate decisions.
It is important to understand that in growth marketing we must have an open mind towards experimentation, since many times out of fear of failure, we pass up ideas that could be our opportunities for success.
But in order to experiment it is necessary that we have a deep understanding of the audience to which we speak. And how do we achieve this? Exactly, with data. Growth marketing allows you to take a leap of faith towards a new way of doing things, but with a “parachute” of knowledge, that allows you to make the right decisions with a low margin of error.
Furthermore, growth marketing not only allows you to design creative plans to attract customers, it can also help you to retain those you already have, something very important in the business world.
For example, in the case of companies whose service is software (transport platforms, streaming, etc.) Growth marketing is used to publicize the service first, and then build customer loyalty so that they remain subscribed to your service.
The growth in growth marketing is not only generated through likes and followers, since it goes further than the funnel and creates valuable relationships with the most important people of your company: your customers.
The importance of the customers within growth marketing is quite high, as each decision is taken based on their tastes, needs and pain points, to achieve that after being loyal to the brand, they become ambassadors through voice to voice, which despite so many strategies, methods and techniques today, it still remains as the most effective way to be recognized.
So, if you want to obtain constant growth through growth marketing you must take into account three factors: data; which will give you the guide to make better decisions, clients; which are the center of every strategy and experimentation, which will allow you to find different paths to obtain better results.