The Jung Archetypes in Political Marketing

What are the Jung Archetypes?

The Jung archetypes are universal, symbolic patterns of thought and behavior found in the collective subconscious of humanity. They were proposed by the Swiss psychologist Carl Gustav Jung as part of his analytic psychology theory.

Jung believed that archetypes are primordial forms that exist in the collective subconscious and that influence the way in which we perceive and interact with the world. These archetypes are images and symbols that represent fundamental ideas and emotions, and are present in all cultures throughout history.

According to Jung, Archetypes can manifest in dreams, myths, fairy tales, and in the creative imagination. Also, they can play an important role in the individuation process, which is the process of developing and realizing of personal potential

According to the theory of Carl Jung there are several archetypes that are found in the collective subconscious of humanity.

In accordance with Jung, each person has a different organized set of these archetypes but is usually one of them that dominates the total personality of the individual.

The 12 archetypes offer us a guide that can help us understand the motivations and take advantage of strengths while working on weaknesses.

The Jung archetypes in Marketing

Jung archetypes can also be applied to the field of marketing to help build strong brands and emotionally connect with consumers. Jung archetypes are important in marketing because they help brands to emotionally connect with consumers, build a distinctive identity, tell a coherent and meaningful story, influence purchasing decisions and communicate universally. By using the archetypes effectively, brands can build stronger and long lasting relationships with consumers.

Emotional connection: Archetypes are symbolic representations of universal aspects of human experience. By using archetypes in marketing brands are able to emotionally connect with consumers by striking a chord and stirring up deep emotions.

Identification and differentiation: Archetypes help brands to define and communicate their identities in a clearer and more effective way. By being associated with a specific archetype a brand can stand out and differentiate itself from the competition as it evokes images and symbolic associations in the mind of consumers.

Coherent narrative: Archetypes provide a narrative frame that helps to build a coherent and meaningful story around a brand. This allows a more effective and memorable communication, as consumers can relate with the story and understand the essence of the brand.

Influence on decision making: Archetypes can influence purchase decisions by evoking emotions and creating a deeper connection with the values and aspirations of consumers. By using relevant archetypes, brands can influence the perception and preferences of the consumers, fostering greater loyalty and engagement.

Universal communication: Archetypes transcend cultural and language barriers, as they are embedded in the collective psyche of humanity. This allows brands to communicate more effectively on a global level, using symbols and representations that are understandable and meaningful across different cultures.

The 12 archetypal personality images of Jung.


The Innocent

Those who identify with the archetype of the innocent sometimes are criticized for being naive dreamers. However, their positive attitude and carefree personality can uplift others like a breath of fresh air. The innocent always tries to see the good in the world and looks for the positive side in each situation.

  • Goal: To be happy.
  • Fear: being punished for doing something wrong.
  • Weakness: trusting too much in others.
  • Talent: faith and open-mindness.

The Hero

The hero strives to be strong and defend others. They may feel that they have a destiny that they must fulfill. Heroes are brave in their pursuit for justice and equality, and will face even the most powerful forces if they think they are wrong

  • Goal: To help others and protect the weak.
  • Fear: Being perceived as weak or scared.
  • Weakness: Arrogance, always needing another battle to fight.
  • Talent: Competition and courage.

The Caregiver

Those who identify with the caregiver archetype are full of empathy and compassion. Unfortunately, others can exploit their good nature for their own purposes. Caretakers need to pay more attention to taking care of themselves and learn to say no to the demands of others.

  • Goal: To help others.
  • Fear: Being considered selfish.
  • Weakness: Being exploited by others.
  • Talent: Compassion and generosity.

The Explorer

The explorer is never happy unless he experiences new emotions more or less constantly. He may enjoy visiting other countries or may be happy learning about new ideas or philosophies. Nonetheless, he finds it difficult to settle into a relationship or a job for too long, unless the job or relationship allows him to keep his freedom to explore.

  • Goal: To experience as much life as possible in a lifetime.
  • Fear: Being trapped or being forced to conform.
  • Weakness: wandering aimlessly and inability to hold on to things.
  • Talent: Being true to his own desires and a sense of wonder.

The Rebel

When the rebel sees something in the world that is not working, he tries to change it. Rebels like to do things differently. However, sometimes rebels may abandon good traditions just out of desire to reform. Rebels can be charismatic and easily encourage others to follow them in the quest for rebellion

  • Goal: To tear down what does not work.
  • Fear: Being unable to achieve change.
  • Weakness: To take his rebellion too far and obsess with it.
  • Talent: Having big and outrageous ideas and inspiring others to join them.

The Lover

The lover looks for harmony in everything he does. He finds it difficult to deal with conflict and may have difficulties defending his own ideas and beliefs against more assertive people.

  • Goal: To be in a harmonious relationship with the people, work and environment they love.
  • Fear: Feeling undesired or unloved.
  • Weakness: desire to please others at risk of losing their own identity.
  • Talent: passion, appreciation and diplomacy.

The Creator

The creator archetype was born to create something that does not yet exist. Hates being a passive consumer, preferring to create his own entertainment. Creators are usually artists or musicians, although they can find in any area of work a stimulus to bring out the light of their innate talent.

  • Goal: To create things with lasting value.
  • Fear: Not creating anything important.
  • Weakness: Perfectionism and creative blocks caused by fear of not being exceptional.
  • Talent: creativity and imagination.

The Joker

The Joker loves to liven up a party with humor and tricks, yet they have a deep soul. They want to make others happy and frequently can often use humor to change the perception of others. Sometimes, however, the joker uses humor to hide his own pain.

  • Goal: To lighten up the world and make others laugh.
  • Fear: being perceived as boring by others.
  • Weakness: Frivolity, wasting time and hiding under a humorous disguise.
  • Talent: seeing the fun side of everything and using humor for a positive change.

The Sage

The sage values ideas above all else. However, sometimes they may feel frustrated by not being able to know everything about the world. Sages are good listeners and, often, have the capacity to make complicated ideas seem easy for others to understand. They can often be found in teaching roles.

  • Goal: To use wisdom and intelligence to understand the world and teach others.
  • Fear: Being ignorant or perceived as stupid.
  • Weakness: Not being able to take a decision because he believes he never has enough information.
  • Talent: wisdom, intelligence and curiosity.

The Magician

The Magician is usually very charismatic. They have true belief in their ideas and wish to share them with others. Often they are capable of seeing things in a completely different way than other types of personalities and can use these insights to bring transformative ideas and philosophies to the world.

  • Goal: To understand the fundamental laws of the universe.
  • Fear: Undesired negative consequences.
  • Weakness: Becoming selfish or manipulative.
  • Talent: Transforming everyday experiences of people by offering new ways of seeing things.

The Ruler

The ruler loves to be in control. They often have a clear vision of what will work in a given situation. They believe they know what is best for a group or community and may become frustrated if others do not share their vision. However, they usually keep the interests of others at heart, even if their actions are occasionally wrong.

  • Goal: To create a family or a prosper and successful community.
  • Fear: Chaos, being undermined or overthrown.
  • Weakness: being authoritarian, unable to delegate.
  • Talent: Responsibility and leadership.

The Regular Guy or Girl.

The friendly archetype that represents those that are trustworthy, realistic and honest. Some people may describe them as a bit negative sometimes. This archetype is always looking to belong in the world and can join many groups and communities to find a place to fit in.

  • Objective: to belong.
  • Fear: being left out or standing out from the crowd.
  • Weakness: Can be a little bit too cynical.
  • Talent: Honest and open, pragmatic and realistic.

Main Jungian archetypes of the Self.

In the theory of Carl Jung, the concept of “Self” refers to ego or the conscious part of the personality. Although archetypes are not directly associated with the Self in the Jungian sense, there are certain archetypes that can be related with aspects of the conscious identity.

Within the Jungian theory, the archetype of Self represents the wholeness and integrity of a person. The Self is the central image that seeks individuation, the process of development and realization of the personal potential. Although the Self is an indivisible and unique entity for each individual, Jung identified some archetypes related to the Self. 

Some of the main archetypes that, according to Jung, conform or personality and express in our language, behaviors, reactions and dreams are:

  1. The Anima and Animus:

It is the representation of the opposite gender the person has. According to Jung the anima is, for men, the feminine side that remains in his psyche, just as the animus is, for women, their masculine side. This archetype expresses itself in great emotionality and puts us in touch with aspects that we repress in our personality, as well as forming a link between the individual and the collective unconscious.

These archetypes are essential in the analytical psychology theory of Carl Jung and refer to the presence of characteristics and energies opposite to the biological gender of each individual.

The animus is the masculine archetype present in the feminine psyche. It represents the masculine aspects such as rationality, objectiveness, strength and autonomy. The animus can be manifested in dreams, fantasies and interpersonal relationships, and can influence the way a woman perceives and relates with men and masculinity.

On the other side, the anima is the feminine archetype in the masculine psyche. It represents the feminine aspects such as intuition, emotional sensitivity, compassion and creativity. The anima can influence the way a man perceives and relates with women and femininity, and can manifest in dreams, fantasies and artistic aspirations.

Both the animus and the anima are important archetypes in the individualization process, since their proper integration contributes in the development of a more complete and balanced personality. Jung asserted that both men and women must recognize and accept these opposite aspects in themselves to achieve wholeness and self-realization.

It is important to note that the animus and anima do not represent rigid gender stereotypes, but refer to the psychological energies and characteristics associated with the masculine and feminine that can manifest in different ways in each individual.

Anima example (Feminine side in men):

  • A man that recognizes his anima can be more sensitive, intuitive and emotionally connected. This can manifest itself in the ability to understand and empathize with the emotions of others, as well as in his artistic and creative expression.
  • A man who has not integrated his anima can have difficulties to connect with his emotions and establish emotionally deep relations. He may be more prone to stereotypical behaviors of rigid masculinity, such as emotional repression and uncontrolled aggression.

Animus example (Masculine side in women):

  • A woman who develops his animus can be more assertive, logical and action oriented. She can have a strong self confidence and be able to make decisions based on reason and logic.
  • A woman who has not integrated her animus can have difficulties expressing her voice and taking assertive decisions. She may feel subservient or powerless in relationships and her life in general.
  1. The Persona

The persona is, for the author, the identity we wish to project, something like an actor’s mask, those traits that we adopt due to the influence of the environment or the roles imposed by society and that we adopt as a public image, despite the fact that our real personality may be different.

The persona archetype represents the social mask that each individual uses to interact with the exterior world and meet social expectations.

The persona is the image that a person presents to the world and it is influenced by factors such as culture, social environment and social norms. Through the persona we seek to fit in and adapt to the social roles and demands.

However, Jung also emphasized that the persona is not the totality of the personality. Behind the social mask there is a deeper and more authentic side of the individual that includes individual and archetypal aspects. Jung called this innermost and truest side of personality the self.

The individuation process, according to Jung, implies the recognition and integration of the different archetypes, including that of the persona, to reach a greater authenticity and wholeness as an individual. As a person becomes familiar and accepts, both his social mask, as well as their inner and deeper aspects of their being, they can experiment greater coherence and balance in life

It is important to note that the persona archetype is not static and can vary in different contexts and stages of life. Additionally, the understanding and expression of the persona can be influenced by other archetypes present in the psyche of the individual.

Persona example in a public figure:

  • A politician can adopt a public image of seriousness, responsibility and commitment with the wellbeing of society. Through speeches and actions carefully selected, it seeks to convey an image of a reliable leader who can be trustworthy.

Persona example in a brand:

  • A luxury product brand can build its image around sophistication, prestige and style. Through advertising and product design seeks to convey an image of exclusivity and good taste to attract its target audience.

Persona example in an interpersonal interaction:

  • An introverted person can adopt an extroverted social mask in social situations to fit in and feel accepted. The person may display a lively and outgoing personality even though internally it feels more comfortable and energetic in a calmer environment.
  1. The Shadow

Taking it in its deepest sense, the shadow is the invisible saurian tail that man still drags behind him. Carefully amputated, it becomes the healing serpent of the mysteries.”

The shadow is the Jungian archetype that reflects those elements we consider negative. They are the characteristics that we try not to show to others because this may cause shame or anxiety. It is derived from an animal past in which instincts are included.

Within the shadow, there are repressed thoughts or ideas that, according to Jung, must be resolved to achieve our full individualization. Although what is in the shadow can be considered as negative, perhaps it is not always so and there may be positive qualities that we want to hide for some reason.

These aspects can include desires, impulses, emotions and characteristics that a person considers unacceptable or inappropriate, both individually and culturally.

The shadow is not necessarily bad or negative in itself, but can contain both positive and negative aspects. The key is to recognize and confront these dark aspects to achieve a greater integration and personal balance.

Jung argued that when shadows aspects are not consciously recognized and accepted, they tend to project outward. That is, the characteristics that we deny or repress in ourselves can be perceived and judged in others. These projections can generate conflict and difficulties in our interpersonal relationships.

Integrating the shadow implies becoming aware and accepting these shadow aspects of oneself. This does not mean that we should act unrestrainedly on these issues, but rather acknowledge their existence and learn to work with them in a constructive way.

The shadow integration process is part of the path to individuation, where the totality and integration of the different aspects of the personality are sought.

Shadow example in a person:

  • A person who constantly criticizes and judges others may have a dominant shadow of intolerance or lack of acceptance. These aspects may reflect repressed parts of herself that have not been recognized or integrated.

Shadow example in a society:

  • In a society, the shadow can manifest itself in the form of racial or gender prejudice, social discrimination or acts of violence. These denied and repressed aspects can arise collectively and must be faced and recognized for a greater harmony and equity.

Shadow example in a brand:

  • A brand that has had ethical issues or has been involved in scandals can have a shadow that includes aspects of lack of transparency or irresponsible behavior. To rebuild trust the brand must confront and address these shadow aspects of its history.
  1. The Self

It is the central archetype of the collective consciousness, the image of the whole person that gives meaning to life, as well as the human psyche. Therefore, it is the coherence and organization that confers balance to the personality.

The Self is an essential archetype in the theory of Carl Jung and represents the totality and integration of the personality. It is the central and unified image that seeks individuation, the process of development and realization of personal potential.

The Self is the broadest and most comprehensive archetype, transcending opposites and contains both conscious and unconscious aspects of the psyche. It represents the totality and connection with the collective unconscious which is the deepest and most shared layer of the human experience.

Jung described the Self as an archetype that seeks to balance and reconcile the opposites within a person, such as the conscious and the unconscious, the masculine and the feminine, the individual and the collective. It is the driving force that seeks self realization and the full manifestation of the individual potential.

The self is experienced as a sense of completeness, harmony and inner wholeness. It is associated with the feeling of purpose and meaning of life, as well as with the connection to something larger than oneself.

The individuation process, according to Jung, implies the recognition and integration of the Self. This implies exploration and acceptance of the different aspects of personality, as well as the development of a greater awareness and connection with the deeper drives and longings of the self.

It is important to note that the Self is not a separate or external entity but an inherent part of each individual. However, it may be obscured by layers of personality and cultural influences.

Self example in a person:

  • A person who has worked on their personal development and has integrated different aspects of his personality can experience a sense of coherence and wholeness. It may have a greater clarity in her goals and values, as well as a deeper connection with itself and with others.

Self example in an organization:

  • A company that strives to create an inclusive and respectful culture, where collaboration and personal development of the employees is encouraged, is working on the manifestation of the Self archetype at the organizational level. harmony and coherence is sought in the values, objectives and actions of the organization.

Self example in a community:

  • A community that values and respects the diversity of its members, promoting open dialogue and the collaboration in decision making, is cultivating the manifestation of the Self archetype on a community level. It seeks the integration and harmony between different groups and perspectives.
  1. The Great Mother

It is the archetype that covers the idealized maternal qualities: care, compassion and love, as well as the guide to follow. It is symbolized by the original mother or mother earth, it has also been adapted to different religions and names such as Maria, Hera or Juno.

It represents the universal feminine principle and the primordial maternal energy found in the collective human unconscious.

The great mother is a powerful archetype that symbolizes fertility, nurturing, protection and creativity. It represents both the positive aspects of maternity as well as the negative ones that can manifest such as the figure of the all consuming mother or the destructive mother.


This archetype can appear in myths, fairy tales and in people’s dreams. It can also manifest in symbolic and mythological figures, such as the mother goddess, mother earth or a maternal figure in the religions and beliefs of different cultures.


The relation with the archetype of the great mother can influence the way a person perceives and relates with the mother figure in his life, as well as with femininity and maternity in general. It can arouse intense emotions and be a source of inspiration and creativity.


Working with the great mother archetype implies exploring and understanding one’s own experiences and feelings related with the mother figure, as well as integrating and balancing the maternal energies in the personality.


It is important to consider that the great mother archetype cannot be interpreted in a literal way or limited only to the biological figure of the mother. It represents an energy and an archetypal symbol much more broad and deep.


Great mother example in mythology:


  • In many mythological traditions, such as the mother goddess in Greek mythology (for example, Demeter or Hera) or the mother goddess in hindu mythology (for example durga or Kali), the great mother archetype is represented. These figures symbolize fertility, protection and the nurturing power of femininity.


Great mother example in maternity:


  • The great mother archetype can be applied to the experience of motherhood and the mother child relationship. It represents unconditional love, the protection and the nurturing capacity and taking care of a human being in its most vulnerable state.


Great mother example in nature:


  • Nature itself is often associated with the archetype of the great mother. It is seen as a powerful and generative force that sustains and nourishes life in all its forms. The symbolism of mother earth and the fertility of earth are examples of the manifestation of the archetype of the great mother in nature.


  1. The Great Father


This archetype represents a guardian of order and sanity in a chaotic world. The great father represents the universal masculine principle and the primordial paternal figure found in the collective unconscious of humanity.


The great father symbolizes authority, protection, guidance and power. It represents both the positive aspect of the compassionate and wise father as well as the negative aspect which can manifest as the overbearing or the absent father.


This archetype can appear in myths, fairy tales and in dreams of people. Also it can manifest in symbolic and mythological figures, such as the king, the father god or the paternal figure in religions and beliefs in different cultures.


The relationship with the great father archetype can influence the way a person perceives and relates with the father figure in their life, as well as masculinity and authority in general. It can arouse feelings of security and protection, as well as feelings of restriction and control.


Working with the great father archetype implies exploring and understanding your own experiences and feelings related to the father figure as well as integrating and balancing the father energies in the personality.


It is important to keep in mind that the great father archetype must not be interpreted in a literal way or limited only to the biological father figure. It represents an energy and an archetypal symbol much more broad and deep.


Great father example in the paternal figure:


  • The great father archetype can be applied to the biological or adoptive father figure that provides protection, guidance and authority to his children. It represents paternal authority, emotional support and the role of provider in the family.


Great father example in society:


  • In society, the great father archetype can manifest itself in leadership and authority figures, such as political leaders, religious leaders or charismatic figures who wield influence and power. These figures represent protections, stability and social order.


Great father example in wisdom and guidance:


  • The great father archetype can also be applied to mentors figures or spiritual guides that convey knowledge, wisdom and orientation. They represent experience, maturity and leadership capabilities in the life of others. 


¿How do you apply the Jung archetypes to the personal brand of a politician?


The application of the jungian archetypes to the personal brand of a politician can help to establish a coherent and powerful image that connects with the values and aspirations of the voters. Here are some general guidelines for how can the archetypes be applied in this context:


  • Know your dominant archetype: First, it is important to identify the archetype that best represents the style and personality of the politician. For example, it could be the charismatic leader archetype, the defender of justice, the wise counselor or the protector of the people. Knowing the dominant archetype will help to define the personal brand narrative and guide the communication strategy.


  • Construct a coherent narrative: Use the archetype as a foundation to develop a convincing and coherent story around your personal brand. Tell how your personal brand and values align with the chosen archetype and how it drives you to serve the community. Use metaphors and symbols related to the archetype to reinforce your message and emotionally connect with the voters.


  • Communicate your vision and proposals: Use the archetype to communicate your political vision and proposals in a way that resonates with the values and needs of the audience. For example, if your archetype is the defender of justice, emphasize the importance of fairness and transparency in your proposals. If your archetype is the charismatic leader, highlight your ability to inspire and mobilize people towards a common goal.


  • Consistency in the image and message: make sure that the image and message you convey are aligned with the chosen archetype. From personal appearance to the tone of voice and the language used, everything must reflect and reinforce the identity of the archetype. The coherence in the way you represent and communicate yourself will help to build trust and establish a strong identity.


  • Be authentic: Although it is important to use the archetypes as a guide, it is also essential to be authentic. Do not try to be something you’re not. Adapt your archetype to your personality and individual style so that your personal brand reflects who you truly are. Authenticity is key to building trust and connection with the voters.


Remember that the application of archetypes to a personal brand of a politician is a symbolic and narrative strategy, and can vary according  to the cultural context and the individual characteristics of the politician. It is important to work alongside communication and political marketing professionals to develop an effective and authentic strategy.

Manuela Villegas CEO Yes Sir Agency
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